Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Nothing Beats Great Copywriting

There’s something to be said for creative writing. We have a number of creative writers on call to fill any of our needs – technical, government, environmental, healthcare, retail, etc., etc., etc.

Around our shop we all consider ourselves above-average in the creative sense – be us designers, account managers or coffee-fetchers. Sometimes, us non-copywriter-types, though, think ourselves too creative and make ourselves believe that we too can come up with those inspirational words. We love the round-table creative meetings – hashing out concepts, taglines, campaign details, etc. But sometimes you just hit that wall.

So, here you are: your job is a creative masterpiece – the photo is breathtaking, the body copy is just witty enough, yet perfectly relevant and everything comes together – except the headline. You thought you had it down, but something’s just not right. So you go back to the drawing board and start charting words, feelings, phrases… anything to come up with that big idea in a few simple words.

Boy, you can come up with some real doozies if you try to force yourself. Either that or you get stuck on some cheesy, cliché that won’t escape your writers-blocked cranium.

This is why we love great copywriters – we appreciate their endless flow of lyrical wonder. The people that take your idea and capture it just so in a few words that brings everything together into a perfect package. Absolute brilliance. Kudos.

We have had the pleasure of working with La-Z-Boy for a number of years now. Now, retail can be an interesting entity. We’ve all seen the flyers that come to our front doors – the seizure-inducing hodge-podge of product shots and starbursts. La-Z-Boy, however, has taken itself into a class of high-end retail all on it’s own. With slick, clean layouts and, my favorite, some of the best-written copy I’ve ever read in retail advertising.

The best part is that the humor is dry, subtle and finely printed near the products. It’s not meant to be a witty or clever piece of advertising. They are simply announcing a sale through beautiful product shots and including location information and a call to action. Embedded within the message though, are these great little humorous stanzas describing the product’s personalities.

If you happened to miss the last Midnight Madness flyer, take a look at the images below:

You never even see that copy coming in that layout. That’s what truly what makes this so great for me – the unexpected hilarity.

I would love to be patting our own back’s here at Bytown for these inspired words, however they were provided to us by La-Z-Boy themselves from their other agency.

Bravo LZB – keep it up.

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